Sunday, August 12, 2018


90s HORROR MOVIES - Those of you of who are regular visitors to my blog know originality prevails, when it comes to gauging quality movies. I developed this list based on (mostly) original concepts, excluding franchises/ re-makes. The decade is all over the place with scifi, comedy, gothic, dramatic, and crime thriller elements. I believe the constraints of horror conventions are being shed in this decade, compared to the 80s. And even further in the aughts. By the end of the decade, CGI begins to take up a larger visual footprint. Used sparingly, the impact of computer generated elements are undoubtedly mind-blowing. Terminator 2 makes the cut for that reason, plus military horror. Conversely, it can be ruinous. Stories which previously would not have been made into films, are now being made, and celebrated. The limits fall away and imagination takes flight. Unfortunately, there were numerous unnecessary franchises/ re-makes that overstayed their welcome. But on the bright side, the aughts are coming up next!

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